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Where do you find your significance, your value, your worth?  Is it from your children, your career, your home, your health?  As long as things are going well in your life, it’s easy to feel a strength and sense of worth in your accomplishments and achievements.  When something challenging enters into your world, you soon find out that placing your faith in your own intrinsic value is like building a house on a shaky foundation.  As Christian women, you can celebrate the fact that you don’t have to rely on your own strength and talents as you journey through life.  You have a faithful, powerful Saviour who has already accomplished all that you need for life and death!  Because of His incredible love for you, you don’t need to find your significance within yourself – you have your worth in Him!  You are precious to him, dearly loved, even from before your birth (Ps. 139).  While you were dead in your sins, God reached out with his grace and made you alive in Christ.  (Eph. 2)  This truth is what gives you your value, your significance, your WORTH!

Several years ago, some women from the Reformed Churches in Ontario got together and planned a Conference, the very first Women of Worth (WOW) Conference, to focus on this exact topic – finding our worth as women in Christ. It is the hope and prayer of the WOW Committee that through these conferences many lives will be changed, impacted and reawakened to live in true joy as Daughters of the King.


“To teach, equip and encourage women to grow deeper in their relationship with God and others, bringing glory to Jesus Christ, by the power of the Spirit.






UNITY. This was one of the last things that Jesus prayed for on behalf of His people before going to the cross.  As some of His last words, they are both precious and profound and it is good to take some time to reflect on their importance!  As women, it does not take much to divide us.  There are so many diversities in age, backgrounds, opinions, race, culture, language and preferences that can often lead to sin, conflict and separation from God and one another, even within the church. How can this be when we are more alike than different?  And how can our unity or divisiveness affect one another, our relationship with God and either validate or negate the claims of the gospel to a watching world?


Be sure to join us at WOW 2018 where Courtney Doctor will encourage and challenge women to think biblically rather than emotively about oneness from the truths found in John 17.



“I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message.  I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me."

                                                                                                                                             John 17: 20-21





6-6:45 Registration

6:45- 9:45 Session 1

My Channel

My Channel


8:15 Registration

8:45-10:20 Session 2

10:20-10:45 Break

10:45 12:30 Session 3

12:30-1:30 Lunch

1:30-3:30 Session 4


May 04, 2018, 6:00 p.m. – May 05, 2018, 3:00 p.m.
West Highland Baptist Church,
1605 Garth St, Hamilton, ON L9B 1X8, Canada

2018 WOWCanRC Conference

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